A Creation Justice Church

         1500 9th Ave Longmont CO     


Join Worship Service - Here's How

You can attend our 10:15am Sunday Worship Services in two ways:

1) Come to our Sanctuary in person!

2) Join in via our YouTube Channel.

In addition, you may:

Tune into our Worship Services live or watch previous services on ourYouTube Channel (click here)!

Subscribe to our channel to easily access from any device - learn how here.

View this week's Bulletin and Worship Materials.

Fill out our Electronic Fellowship Pad.

Interested in learning more about our community? Please feel free to contact Rev. Amelia. They will get in touch with you and help answer any questions you might have.


  • SCAM WARNING: Please remember that Clergy and Church Staff will NEVER send an email asking for gift cards. If you check very closely, you will see that the email address is not a church email address. All church emails are @ucclongmont.org


February Sermon Series




Community Matters!


The office is open Monday through Friday 9am to Noon. Please use the office entrance on the north-side of the building off of Warren St. and ring the doorbell or call the office at 303-776-4940. Someone will let you in shortly.

Need to be on campus, but can't make it in during open hours? 
General questions for the office administrator: 
Questions about building use: building@ucclongmont.org
Other questions, contact office staff: office@ucclongmont.org


Why come to UCC Longmont? 

At first, UCC Longmont might seem like other churches you've visited.  The worship, the potlucks, and the deep loving community relationships are similar to how many other churches celebrate their life together and become a family - celebrating joys and sharing the burdens of tough times.

But UCC Longmont IS different in the way we approach our faith and spirituality.  Instead of requiring everyone to believe a "checklist" of things about God, we come here to walk together on a common journey seeking to learn more about God. Oftentimes, the questions and doubts we encounter are more important than the answers we seek.

We Are Open & Affirming



In keeping with the life and teachings of Christ Jesus, we joyfully and unconditionally welcome all people of any age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, culture, ability, or sexual orientation into our community of faith and affirm the worth of all people as unique individuals made in God's image. We are open to the special gifts that each person brings and invite each one to participate in the life of our church.

A new Community Covenant was affirmed at our Congregational Meeting of May 2nd, 2021. You can access the full document by clicking here. 

Service Times


Sunday  Service: 10:15AM
In person or on YouTube


Fellowship time:

11:30 AM

New Here?


If you are visiting for the first time, we would love a chance to explain just exactly who we are. 

Contact Us 


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Our Worship Services


Listen to last week's sermon, and look for information on our upcoming Sunday service.

1500 Ninth Avenue 

Longmont, Colorado


(303) 776-4940